May 17, 2010

France, 1821: Paris Retail Prices

Writing in 1822, a German chemist in St. Petersburg confirms "Fr. 16. to Fr 24. per Once" represented retail prices for various forms of Platinum sold retail: ore, scrap, sheet and manufactures relevant to chemists. (Wholesale, trade and jewelry prices are unstated.) No other source indicate this address for Jeannetty and "Rue Neuve de l'Abbaye" had been renamed "Rue l'Abbaye" in 1815. (Presumably in 1821, Frankfurt semi-manufactured retail cost 30.2% more than Paris.)

1821: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Paris: Ore, Retail) = Fr. 15.25 (Fl. 7.512)
1821: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Scrap, Ret.) = Fr. 15.25 (Fl. 7.512)
1821: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) = Fr. 2o.33 (Fl. 9.536)
1821: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris: Mfg, Ret.) = Fr. 24.40 (Fl. 11.443)

"I think the friends of Practical Chemistry in Russia's empire might find useful this communication of a price list for Platinum apparatus which I have just received from Frankfurt am Main, especially since I have been frequently observing platinum crucibles from France as followed.

Previously known to be manufactured by Janety the Younger in Paris (Rue Colombier, 21 and Rue Neuve de l'Abbaye 14, Faubourg Saint-Germain) are Platinum crucibles, evaporating basins, spatulas, funnels and various chemical equipment : Fr. 24. per Once ; Platinum foil and wire: Fr. 20. per Once ; and Platinum scraps and platina: Fr. 15. per Once. Also assumed to be observed the same at the Pharmacist Guilbert in Paris (Rue Dauphiné, No. 38).

Citation: Allgemeine nordische Annalen der Chemie für die Freunde..., Vol. 8;  Alexander Nicolaus Scherer (October, 1822)

In flux, the early 1820s witnessed turbulent Platinum prices.  In Colombia, new laws reintroduced a monopoly and export ban; in Russia, discoveries of major fields suggested new supply.  

As refined product prices rose by 33% from just 5 years earlier, retail prices for refined & manufactured Platinum showed greater breadth and supply & demand dislocations.  Although not clearly defined, the wide range likely reflects the incremental rise over the previous 5-6 years.

c. 1821/2: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (refined) = Fr 16. - 24.  (USD$ 2.89 - 4.33)
c. 1821/2: 1 Troy Ounce platina in Paris  = Fr 5. - 6.  (USD$  0.90 - 1.08)

1820/1: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (mfg, whols?) = Fr. 15. - 18. (USD$ 2.79 - 3.35) 
1819/20: 1 Troy Ounce platina in Paris  (crude, whols?) = Fr. 4. - 5.  (USD$ 0.73  - 0.91)

Citation: Traité élémentaire de minéralogie ; François Sulpice Beudant (1824), p.786.

1821: Uncertain, possibly translated price.

1822: In 1821, the price of Copper doubled in Paris.

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