March 30, 2011

Colombia, 1843/5


Assuming estimated total PM yield was consistent (16.0408% platina), the Total Colombian Platina Yield was 1,067.5 Libras (taxed) + 1,067.5 Libras (untaxed) = 2,135 Libras.

1845: Where 1,067.50 Libras (= 15,755.33 Ozt.) x C$40./Libra = C$42,700., so

1845: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Local Spot: Colombian ore, .999) = C$ 2.71
1845: 1 Ozt. Au (Colombian ore, .999) = C$ 16.09178

Industria.—... Apesar del mal estado del ramo i de la imperfeccion de los trabajos, la produccion ha sido en el último año de 941 libras 3 castellanos 6 tomines de oro i de 1,067.50 libras de platina, que al precio actual de 237 pesos 4 reales el oro, i de 40 pesos la platina, hacen la cantidad de 266.195 pesos 1 reales. Agregándose la estraccion clandestina del oro, cuyo minimum se calcula prudencialmente en el diplo de la cantidad espresada, i la de la platina, para la que no es forzoso ni jeneral sacar guia; puede asegurarse que realmente hai una produccion anual de 532.390 pesos 2.5 reales. Con el objeto de fomentar la mineria indica el Gobernadora la Cámara la conveniencia de que solicite de la Lejislatura algunas esenciones, como la de la conscripcion para el ejèrcito a todos los individuos que se dediquen a esta profesion, i la de con los empresilures se concierten precisamente El comercio con el estranjero ha aeca … siderablemente por la preferencia que se ha dado al transito por Panamá para las introducciones al Cauca por el puerto de Buenaventura; pero el Gobernador abriga la esperanza de que, abierto el camino de Tamanà i compuesto el del Istmo de San Pablo hasta la boca de la quebrada de Rapadura, vuelva el comercio al pie floreciente que àntes tenia.

Despite the poor state of the branch and the imperfection of the works, the production has been in the last year of 941.0375 Libras of Gold, and 1,067.50 Libras of platina, that at the current gold price of C$237.50/Libra, and of C$40/Libra for platina, amounts to C$ 266,195.125. Adding the clandestine extraction of gold, whose minimum is calculated prudentially in the amount of the expressed quantity, and that of the platina, for which it is not necessary nor general to draw a guide; you can make sure that there really is an annual production of C$532,390.3125. In order to promote mining the Governor indicates the convenience of requesting from the Legislature some exemptions, such as the conscription for the army to all the individuals who dedicate themselves to this profession, and that of the entrepreneurs Precisely Trade with the foreigner has taken place ... considerably due to the preference that has been given to transit through Panama for introductions to Cauca through the port of Buenaventura; but the Governor hopes that, open the path of Tamanà and composed that of the Isthmus of San Pablo until the mouth of the ravine of Rapadura, return the trade to the flowering foot that before had.

Citation: Gaceta oficial, (1/25/1846) Issue 778 Trm. 58:

1845/6: Where 744.55 Libras (= 10,988.88 Ozt.) x C$ 50./Libra = C$37,227.50, so

1845/6: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Black Mkt Export: Colombian ore, .999) ~ C$ 3.39
1845/6: 1 Ozt. Au (Colombian ore, .999) = C$ 16.092

Industria y comercio—La industria progresa; {July 1845-June 1846} ... Se han fundido en las respectivas oficinas 1,032 libras 58 castellanos 5 tomines de oro, que valen, segun lo calcula el Gobernador, 245,239 pesos, 1.75 reales, calculando tambien que alcanza á doble cantidad el extraido furtivamente para el extranjero, de manera que se hn sacado del pais, por contrabando, mui cerca de medio millon de pesos en oro, indemas el valor de 744 libras 55 castellanos de platina, que se estima en cincuenta pesos cada libra.

The industry progresses; ... They have melted in the respective offices 1,032.58125 Libras of gold, that are worth, according to calculates the Governor, C$ 245,239.21875, calculating also that it reaches to double quantity the extracted furtively for the foreigner, so that have been taken out of the country, for contraband, very close to half a million pesos in gold, indems the value of 744.55 Libras of platina, estimated at C$ 50./ per Libra.

Citation: Gaceta oficial, (11/6/1846) Issue 830 Trm. 62, p.43:

An October 1846 storm hit Havana, sank a Liverpool vessel with 1,372 ounces of platina.

8/31/1846: Where 79.2 Libras (= 1,169 Ozt.) x ~C$59.66/Libra = C$ 4,725, so

8/31/1846: 1 Ozt. Pt (Tariff Export Price: Colombian ore, .999) = C$ 4.04

Where 6,272.32 Troy Ounces were valued at S$ 29,440,
"...for 29,440 pesos silver ore for 18,264 pesos platinum (424 lbs 98 Castellanos)."

Where 424.98 Libras =7,765 Ozt @ C$ 18,264.8125

1843: 1 Troy Oz. platina (ore, 75%) = C$ 2.3524

1843: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Colombian ore, .999) = C$ 3.1365

1843:  Republishing US data (not a German marc weight)  
Where = $6.25) C$ 1,473,906 was £ 235,825 at £ 4.2477 per ozt Fine Au, the Colombian Gold Yield was 55,518 ozt (~1,727 kgs) - therefore, platina was ~ 11.30% the Gold Yield.

Citation: Handbuch der erdkunde: Th. Handbuch der Lhander- und Staatenkunde von Asien ... Gustav Adolph von Kloeden (1846)p.958

In 1844, the Cartagena forex was £ 1. = C$ 5.30 - 5.40 & USD$ 4.80; US Federal Money was 10% more valuable than C$.  (There also appeared to be a huge discrepancy between the intrinsic value of local Gold Dust and foreign coin.)  The libra was 14.792 troy ounces, so in 1844, 6,271.81 English Troy Ounces were exported ; in 1845, 7,995 English Troy Ounces were exported.  The export price had risen 18.68% in one year.

1844: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Cartagena: ore) = C$ 2.91 (USD$ 2.64; £ 0.55)
1845: 1 Troy Oz platina (Cartagena:ore) = C$ 3.46 (USD$ 3.13; £ 0.65)
1844: 1 Troy Oz. platina (intrinsic) ~ C$  3.64 (USD$ 3.30; £ 0.69)

1845: 1 Troy Oz platina (intrinsic) ~ C$ 4.32 (USD$ 3.91 ; £ 0.82)

17,304.3 troy ounces of Silver ore were exported at ~ USD$ 0.54 per oz., less than half the US Mint rate for assayed pure metal.   

Citation: Commercial tariffs and regulations: resource and trade, of the ..., Parts 16-19; John Macgregor (1846) p.323

The USD$ apparently traded w/ 3-4% premium over the Colombian Silver Peso rate.

1843: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Cartagena: Dust)  = C$ 16.90 - 17.71
1843: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Cartagena: Dust)  = £ 3.38 - 3.58 (USD$ 16.22 - 17.20)

1843: Instability of platina price.

1843: Extensive contraband trade may have depressed platina prices.


1845: in exchange with the Belgian Franc, the value of the Colombian piastre/peso

1845: in exchange with the French Franc, the intrinsic value of the piastre/peso fuerte

1840: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Colombia: Coined)  = USD$ 18.00
1840: 1 Troy Oz. Silver (Colombia: Coined)  = USD$ 1.158
Citation: A Treatise on Currency and Banking  ; Condy Raguet (1840) p.179

Circa 1848/9, perhaps earlier: In Leipzig Pfund/Center, where Colombia & Brazil annually produced 9,021 English Troy Ounces, Russia yielded 6.5x more platina.

Where 18,000 Spanish marcos = 9,000 libras and "years of peace" (1843-1825=18), the estimated annual Gold production of "New Granada" was 500 libras.

Rainy/Dry Seasons:

March 26, 2011

UK, 1829: London Price & St. Petersburg Price

The refined platinum (3.6 Troy Ounces) supplied to Micheal Faraday for the flint glass lens of the Royal Society by Percival Norton Johnson was likely at cost, below market.

September, 1828: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (producer) = £ 0.97 (USD$ 4.79)
September, 1828: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (scrap) ~ £ 0.45 (USD$ 2.35)

Citation: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London ..., Vol.120 By Royal Society (London) p.

A Viennese librarian, educator, journalist and minor historian of Austrian banking*, Emerich Thomas Hohler (1781-1846) closely analyzed the Platinum metal price & coin value.

His valuation - based on St. Petersburg & London metal-market prices for 1829, presumably - was repeated (without correction nor update) for more than a decade in other Germanic texts. The Gold-Price, Silver-Price and Platinum-Price were, in fact, fluctuated separately in different markets - as von Humbolt had predicted (Correspondence w/ Count Cancrin, November 19, 1827.)

* See "Historisch-politische Erläuterungen über Bank- Anstalten überhaupt und über die Oesterreich Nationale Bank insbesondere" (1816: Octavo in 68 Pages)

c.1828/9: London Gold/Platinum/Silver at ratios 1: 3.3125 :15.50

1828/9: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt, London) ~ £ 1.28 (USD$ 6.32)

1829: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (semi-mfg, London) = £ 1.25 (USD$ 6.08)
1829/30: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (semi-mfg, St. Petersburg) ~ 32.66 руб (USD$ 6.53)

c.1829-30: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (intrinsic) = £ 1.25 - 1.00 (USD$ 6.08 - 4.82)

The Russian intent to coin Platinum was 'news' in December 1828 and early 1829, although the Imperial decree was issued in April 1828.

January, 1829:
Citation: The London Literary Gazette and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, Etc #627

Citation: Neues Archiv für Geschichte, Staatenkunde, Literatur und Kunst, Vol. 2 (Jan. 1830) p.2

Early-Mid 1829:

Citation: The Edinburgh new philosophical journal, Vol. 13 (1832) p.190

c. August 1829

Citation: On the practicability of an invasion of British India; George de Lacy Evans (1829)

Falling price, c. 1829/30

1829: Averaging Gold Rates & Silver Rates > Gold £ 4.2556 : Silver £ 0.2745 = 1: 15.50

March 15, 2011

USA, 1867: SS White Dental Catalogue Prices

1867: 1 Troy Ounce Pt (Paris: SPb Refined, Bulk .980) = $ 4.41 (USD$ 6.11) 
1867: 1 Ozt. Pt (NYC: Import Cost by Mail, Bulk .980) ~ $ 4.63 (USD$ 6.41) 
1867: 1 Ozt. Pt (NYC: Import, Bulk Rate +25%) ~ $ 5.79 (USD$ 8.01)

1866: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (UK: Semi-Mfg, Retail) = $ 8.05 (Au) ; USD$ 11.35 (£ 1.65)
1867:  1 Ozt. Platinum (UK: Scrap, Sold) ~ $4.90 (USD$ 6.77)

1867: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Germany: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) ~$ 6.72; USD$ 9.29 (Thl 9.33)
1867: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (NYC: Ger. Imp: Semi-Mfg, Retail Rate) ~$ 10.27 (USD$ 14.22)

1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Sponge: Trade) = $ 10.86 (USD$ 15.)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Plate: Trade) ~ $ 11.40 (USD$ 15.75)    

The Russian Price at Paris, quoted by Demidoff, was for a Poud-weight (~526 Ozt.)

1867: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Paris: Bulk, Ru Pt .98) ~$ 4.41 (USD$ 6.107) 
1868: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Paris: Bulk, Ru Pt .98) = $4.50 (USD$ 5.98)

Citation: Economic geology of the United States: with briefer mention of foreign ... Ralph Stockman Tarr (1905), p.178

McAllister's Philadelphia Catalogue price is about 100% higher than the bulk importer's cost.  Prices presumably in currency. See Catalogue of Optical & Philosophical Instruments, for Sale Wholesale and Retail, William Y. McAllister (1867) p.116:  

May, 1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Foil & Wire) = USD $24. ($ 17.52)
S.S. White's Catalogue of Dental Materials, Furniture & Instruments, Etc. (1867) records a wholesale price familiar to pre-War years, but sold at a Gold Premium (p.28.)

1867: 1 Troy Ounce Silver (Trade: .999) = $ 2. (USD$ 2.763)
1867: 1 Ozt. Silver (Trade: Mfg .999) = $ 3. (USD$ 4.145)

July 1866?: 1 Ozt. Platinum (USA: Trade, Sponge) ~ $ 9.89 (USD$ 15.00)
July 1866?: 1 Ozt. Pt (USA: Remelting Cost) = $ 0.53 (USD$ 0.80) 

1867: 1 Ozt. "Platinum" (Trade: 60/40? Ag/Pt Alloy, Plate) = $ 6. (USD$ 8.29)
1867: 1 Ozt. "Platinum" (Trade: 40%? Pt Alloy, Cut) = $7. (USD$ 9.67)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Pt .999, Plate) = $ 10.50 (USD$ 14.51)

Citation: Catalogue of Dental Materials, Furniture, Instruments, etc. ;  Samuel S. White (January 1, 1867) p.28

1867: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Trade: 20k) = $20. (USD$ 27.63)

Likely correct.

1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Sponge: Trade) = $ 10.86 (USD$ 15.)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Plate: Trade) = $ 11.40 (USD$ 15.75)  


1867 valuation: Gold 'twice the price of' (manfactured retail) Platinum

Citation: A manual of inorganic chemistry: arranged to facilitate the experimental ... ;Charles W. Eliot, Frank H. Storer (1867)

US Imports of Platinum: $ 91,157
"Indirect Trade"
UK: Unmfg, $47,917 ; Mfg, $ 53,266; Other Mfg, $291.
France: Unmfg, $1,310; Mfg, $11,045.
Germany (Hesse-Darmstadt): Unmfg, $978

December, 1867: Detroit pharmacist price, "Cash" (in Gold) selling chemicals and "the first trituration of platina"

1867: 1 Fluid Oz. Platinum Chloride (PtCl2, Ret.) = $3.50
(USD$ 4.84)
1867: 1 Troy Ounce Homeopathic solution? (whols., unknown purity) = $ 6. (USD$ 8.29) 

Citation: American Observer Medical Monthly, Vol. 4, 1867; p.516


Bulk Shipping Coin (New York to London, ~243 Kgs) c.1866/7:  $ 0.023/Ozt

In the USA, 10,000 Mexican Dollars weighed a total of 8,660 Ozt; 7,815.65 Ozt (243.1 Kg) Fine Silver. The total cost of purchase, shipping, interest charged to England was $ 199.
1867: 1 Ozt. Silver .999 (New York, Bulk) = $1.175
1867: 1 Ozt. Silver .999 (London, Bulk, NY Shipped, Interest) = $1.1979


Freight, NYC-Brest:

1 Ozt = $ 0.21943

USA, 1927: Laboratory Materials Catalog D (Chicago, IL)

The wholesale catalog price in 1927 was nearly 100% higher than the spot or market price.
1927: 1 Troy Ounce of Platinum (mkt) = $ 85.
1927: 1 Troy Ounce of Platinum (US, refined, whols.) = $ 155.

Citation: Laboratory apparatus : catalog D ; Laboratory Materials Company (Chicago, 1927) p. 230.

B. & S. Gauge .........................................#12...........14.............16..........18...........20
Weight per foot in grammes.................22.20g.....15.60.......9.............5.40.......3.36

Platinum Dishes 20mL = 6g; 25mL =8g; 35mL = 12g; 50mL = 17g; 75mL =25g; 100mL =33g.

In 1927 an 18-jewel Gruen watch with a platinum case and complementary diamond bracelet cost $1985.

Life Magazine, November 1927:

March 14, 2011

Sources TBE : By Year


Main Author:     John M. Maris & Co. Philadelphia, PA, US.
Title:     Prices current to druggists of wall, window and shelf furniture, druggists’ and pharmaceutists’ implements and appliances...
Publisher:     Philadelphia : John M. Maris & Co., 1882.
Description:     108 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (HAS INDEX)
Record Number:     30351
Indexed In:     Clearwater B24.  
Location:     Special
Call Number:     Trade Catalog F-271B
Where: The Rakow Library, Corning NY


Main Author: John M. Maris & Co., Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Title: Prices current to druggists of wall, window, and shelf furniture...
Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. : John M. Maris & Co., . 1889.
Description: 128 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Notes: F-394B
Record Number: 53308
Indexed In: Clearwater B0025

Where: The Rakow Library, Corning NY

March 12, 2011

American Antiquarian Society: TBE

 American Antiquarian Society Sagamore Rd stop?Rural Cemetary

Weekday 8:50am South Station > 10:15am  Worcester
Weekday 5:35pm Worcester > 7:09pm So Sta.

10:20 #31
10:40 #30

4:40pm> 4:50pm
5pm >5:10pm?

Henshaw, Edmands & Co's prices current of drugs, paints, dye stuffs, surgeons' instruments, glass ware, &c. no. 36 India Street, Boston, Mass.
BDSDS. 1855 F

The finest instruments ever made : a bibliography of medical, dental, optical and pharmaceutical company trade literature, 1700-1939 / Audrey B. Davis and Mark S. Dreyfuss.
G565 D261 F987

A catalogue of drugs, medicines, dye stuffs, painters' colours, surgeons' instruments, &c. &c. : to be sold by George Brinley, at his store, no. 3, south-side of the Old Market House, Boston: where merchants, apothecaries, and others, may be supplied on the most reasonable terms, for cash, or credit.
[Boston : s.n., 1812]
16 p. ; 19 cm.
Dated Pams.

Catalogue of drugs and medicines, surgeons' instruments, paints and dye-stuffs, sold by Bartlett & Chase, chemists and druggists, Boston, Massachusetts.
[Boston] : Munroe & Francis, print., [between 1818 and 1820]
32 p. : ill. ; 15 cm.
Dated Pams.

A manual of electricity: : containing observations on the electrical phenomena, and directions for the construction of metallic conductors. : Also for the making of electrical machines & galvanic troughs, with instructions for applying their influence in aid of medicine, and in restoring suspended animation. / By Wm. King, medical electrician, and lecturer on electricity & galvanism.
Newbern, N.C. : [s.n.], 1825.
G353 K54 M825

A companion to the medicine chest, : with plain rules for taking the medicines, in the cure of diseases. / By Thomas Hollis, druggist and apothecary, no. 30, Union Street--Boston. ; To which are added, rules for restoring suspended animation, from drowning. ; List of articles contained in the chest. ...
Boston: : J. Howe, printer, no. 39, Merchants Row., 1834.
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 33 x 41 cm.
BDSDS. 1834 backlog 005

Smith & Bartlett.
Call Number: Not at AAS
Catalogue of drugs and medicines, instruments and utensils, dye-stuffs, groceries, and painters' colours, : imported, prepared, and sold, by Smith & Bartlett, at their druggists store and apothecaries shop, no. 61, Cornhill, Boston. 

NA; Catalogue of drugs, medicines & chemicals, sold wholesale & retail, by [blank]1804Call Number: Dated Pams.

Pike, Benjamin, 1777-1864.
Pike's illustrated catalogue of scientific & medical instruments.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Pike

J.F. Luhme & Co.
General descriptive catalogue of chemical, pharmaceutical and physical apparatus, meteorological & mathematical instruments, &c. for sale at the affixed prices by J.F. Luhme & Co., 556 Broadway, New York
Call Number: Trade Cats. Luhm

Edward S. Ritchie & Sons.
Price catalogue and description of philosophical apparatus, with illustrations.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Ritc

Main Author: McKesson and Robbins, inc.
Title: Prices current of drugs and druggists’ articles, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, 1872
Bibliographic ID Number: 52623
Location:     Stacks
Call Number: Trade Cats. McKe

Main Author: McKesson and Robbins, inc.
Title: Prices current of drugs and druggists’ articles, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, 1875
Bibliographic ID Number: 52624
Location:     Stacks
Call Number: Trade Cats. McKe

Main Author:     Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner.
Title:     Prices current of foreign and domestic drugs, pharmaceutical preparations, pure reagents, chemicals, druggists and chemists’ ware, &c. kept constantly for sale by Lazell, Marsh & Gardiner, importers and jobbers, no. 10 Gold Street, New-York. : Terms--six months’ credit, or 5 per cent. off for cash, in par funds. : Prices subject to changes in the market.
Imprint:     New York : [s.n.], 1860.
Description:     16, [1] p. ; 24 cm.
Location:     Stacks
Call Number:     Trade Cats. Laze 

McAllister, W. Y.
Catalogue of mathematical drawing instruments, of French, German, and Swiss make, for sale, wholesale or retail, by W.Y. McAllister, 728 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, successor to the old firm of J. McAllister, established in 1783. : Terms cash: no bills  1866
Call Number: Trade Cats. McAl

Main Author:     Carnes & Haskell.
Title:     Price current of Carnes & Haskell, importers of foreign drugs, chemicals, essential oils, corks, tooth brushes, and other useful articles for druggists and apothecaries. : Warehouses, nos. 18 & 20 Platt Street, corner of Gold, New-York. : Home in Paris, no. 10 Cité Bergère, nrar the Boulevart Poissonnière. : Agencies in England, Spain, Portugal, Saxony, Prussia, Russia, Holland, China, &c. : N.G. Carnes & S. Haskell compse the firm of Carnes & Haskell.
Imprint:     [New York : s.n., 1855]
Description:     38 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Location:     Stacks
Call Number:     Trade Cats. Pric

Main Author:     J.F. Luhme & Co.
Title:     General descriptive catalogue of chemical, pharmaceutical and physical apparatus, meteorological & mathematical instruments, &c. for sale at the affixed prices by J.F. Luhme & Co., 556 Broadway, New York. ...
Imprint:     [New York : s.n., between 1841 and 1899?]
Description:     151 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Location:     Stacks
Call Number:     Trade Cats. Luhm 

Roessler, Paul.
Established 1855. (Unexpectedly Eclipsed.) Optical, mathematical, and everything in the scientific line always on hand at Paul Roessler's 251 Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn. .
Call Number: Ephemera Late Trade Scale 0039 

Carpenter, George W. (George Washington), 1802-1860.
Carpenter's Annual medical advertiser, for 1835, : published and distributed gratuitously to the physicians of the United States; : containing a descriptive account of the most popular of the new medicines, surgical instruments, medical books, &c. and of (1835)
Call Number: Trade Cats. Carp

Reed & Carnrick manufacturing chemists and pharmacists, 198 Fulton Street, New York. n/d
Call Number: Trade Cats. Reed

Geo. W. Carpenter & Co.'s wholesale drug and chemical warehouse. : No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. : Circular to the physicians and druggists of the United States. : January 1, 1854.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Geo

Demas Barnes & Co.
United States medicine warehouse, New York, July 1st, 1865.
1865 & 1868 (2!)
Call Number: Trade Cats. Dema
Call Number: Trade Cats. Demo

Crittenton, Charles N.
Crittenton's central medicine warehouse. : Terms. We expect prompt payment of statements when rendered. The margin on this class of goods will not warrant giving longer time than thirty days.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Crit

Fyfe, John L.
Descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus, chemicals and pure reagents, / manufactured, imported and sold by John L. Fyfe, practical chemist, successor to Edward N. Kent, no. 116 John-Street, near Pearl, New-York.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Fyfe

Bullock & Crenshaw.
Catalogue of chemicals, chemical & pharmaceutical apparatus, : imported, manufactured and for sale by Bullock & Crenshaw, druggists and chemists, no. 528 Arch Street, Philadelphia.  1872
Call Number: Trade Cats. Bull

Chevalier, John D.
Chevalier's catalogue of dental instruments, operating cases and chairs, portable lathes and head rests, teeth, gold and tin foil, gold and silver plate and solder, and every other article used by the dental profession.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Chev

Jones, White & McCurdy.
Catalogue of dentists' materials, consisting of porcelain teeth, gold and tin foils, gold and silver plate, dental instruments, corundum wheels, and all other articles used by the dental profession, : for sale by Jones, White & McCurdy, 116 Arch Street
Call Number: Trade Cats. Jone

Kuemerle & Kolbe.
Kuemerle & Kolbe's illustrated catalogue of surgical & dental instruments & syringes manufactured at no. 45 South Eighth Street, below Chesnut, Philadelphia. 1855
Call Number: Trade Cats. Kuem

Jerome Redding & Co.
Amateur telegraphers' text book. / Published by Jerome Redding & Co., no. 30 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. (1841)
Call Number: Trade Cats. Redd

Geo. H. Bliss & Co.
Price list for amateurs. / Geo. H. Bliss & Co. ; Telegraph machinery and supplies, 41 Third Avenue, Chicago, Ill.  1874
Call Number: Trade Cats. Blis

Main Author: Rowland & Roe.
Title: Illustrated catalogue and price list of wire goods manufactured by Rowland & Roe, Elmira, N.Y.
Imprint: Elmira, N.Y.: : Elmira Advertiser Association Printing House., 1872.
Call number(s): Trade Cats. Rowl

American Compound Telegraph Wire Company. : Incorporated February, 1868.
Call Number: Trade Cats. Amer

Main Author: McAllister & Brother.
Title: Illustrated catalogue of optical, mathematical, and philosophical instruments, for sale by McAllister & Brother, opticians, at their new store, no. 194 Chestnut Street, South side, below Eighth Street, nearly opposite the Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. ...
Imprint:     [Philadelphia] : William S. Young, printer, rear of the Franklin Hall, 50 North Sixth Street, below Arch., 1857.
Description: 108 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
Call number(s): Trade Cats. McAl
Etc. !!!! Look.

USA, 1881

1880/1: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg, Retail) = USD$ 12.
1880/1: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Semi-Mfg, Retail) = USD$ 12.

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Midwest: Mfg., Retail) = USD$ 13.06

Citation: Experiments in Amber Cane and the Ensilage of Fodders..., Volumes 1-2; University of Wisconsin-Agricultural Experiment Station (1882)

If sold at $ 0.43/g., 46.5 g or ~ 11.5 g. each

1881: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Scrap, Bid) = $ 5.

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Coin: Intrinsic) = $ 7.05
1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mkt: Est. Semi-Mfg) = USD$ 8.69
1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg., Retail) = USD$ 12.36

The numismatic value of Platinum Coin is informative; where a 3-Rouble (10.35 Grams) sold for $6.25, the numismatic premium was ~166%.  The astronomical price paid for a 'Proof' 3-Rouble coin was strong incentive for the Novotel reproductions.

January, 1881: 3-Rouble (Proof) = USD$ 23.
1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Coin: Numismatic) = $ 69.09
Citation: American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of American..., Vol. 15 No., April 1881, p.92 

April, 1881: 3-Rouble (Avg?) = USD$ 6.25

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Coin: Numismatic?) = $ 18.78

Citation: American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of American..., Vol. 16 No.1, July 1881, p.21

A chemist reported the Platinumware held by the Smithsonian in 1881: 2,770 Grams (89 Ozt) valued at > USD$ 1,100.

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg, Ret.) = USD$ 12.36 
1881: Platinumware at Replacement Rate

Citation: Report of the Board of Regents (Smithsonian Instution) 1882

Late 1881: Bid for Platinum Scrap
Citation: Dental Brief, Vol. 1 No. 1 (Dec. 1881)

1881: California Retail for Semi-Mfg

See 1880 British price. 

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Sheet, Retail) = $ 12.
1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wire, Retail) = $ 12. - 15.

McKesson & Robbins' 1881 Prices Current of Drugs, Chemical and Pharmaceutical preparation, proprietary medicines, corks, dyes, painst, etc.

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Iridium (p.30) = $77.5 - 80.86
1881: 1 Troy Oz. Osmium (p.41) = $93.30
1881: 1 Troy Oz. Palladium (p. 41) = $ 72. -96

J.H. Bunnell & Co.'s Illustrated catalogue and price list, Telegraphic, Electrical & Telephone supplies. (New York, 1881) p.21, 'Platinum Wire' (p.42):

No.12, Per Inch.................$ 0.80
No.14, Per Inch.................$ 0.50
No.16, Per Inch.................$ 0.35
No.18, Per Inch.................$ 0.25
No.20, Per Inch.................$ 0.20
No.22, Per Inch.................$ 0.15
No.24, Per Inch.................$ 0.08
[No.] 12 to 22, per dwt. .....$ 0.60
[No.] 24 to 30, per dwt. .....$ 0.75

Sheet Platinum, per dwt. ....$ 0.60

Platinum (strip, ~ , unknown dimension) for Grove's Battery ($1.60) was listed (p.29) at $ 0.80, standard price.

Citation: Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Physical & Chemical Apparatus, for School Use / Electro Medical Instruments, Batteries, Optical Goods, Etc. Curt W. Meyer, 1881

Platinum Jet tips: $ 0.25

c.1881:  Where the 6-Rouble Coin was worth USD$ 4.70

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Coined, Scrap rate) = $ 7.05

Citation: Hubbard's newspaper and bank directory of the world (1882)

1881: 1 Troy Oz. Palladium (intrinsic, refined) ~ $ 50

Dental Gold (Bonwill's Alloy, $5./oz w/50% mercury and 13.5% Gold) sold at a rate of ~$103./oz, if US mercury be assumed @ ~ USD$ 0.28/oz. (the rate in British dental advertisements.) British dental gold was sold wholesale in the UK @ an equivalent rate of USD$ 27.83 - 31.46, but US imported alloys of even lower Gold-content sold even higher.

Fletcher's Platinum Amalgam @ $4.80/oz had precious little Pt, likewise.

Johnson & Lund's Amalgam was 1.34% Platinum