Platinum Sheet sold for 25% higher in Glasgow, against the London retail price.
1841: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Glasgow: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) = £ 2. - 2.25 (USD$ 10.-11.25)
1841: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Glasgow: Mfg, Ret.) = £ 2.25? (USD$ 11.50)
1842: 1 Ozt Platinum (London: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) = £ 1.50 (USD$ 7.00)
Update published in 1843; addendum to 1844 book, after 1841 Catalogue.
Citation: Elements of Agricultural Chemistry; Sir Humphry Davy, John Shier (1844)

August 1844:
Foil 2" Sq.In = £ 0.0667

Where Fine Gold was £ 4.2477/ozt
Citation: The Edinburgh Review, Vol. 157? Sydney Smith (July 1843) p.17

Again, the W. & S. Jones Catalogue records consistent semi- and manufactured (wholesale?) Platinum prices from 1831-55.
1841: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Glasgow: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) = £ 2. - 2.25 (USD$ 10.-11.25)
1841: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Glasgow: Mfg, Ret.) = £ 2.25? (USD$ 11.50)
1842: 1 Ozt Platinum (London: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) = £ 1.50 (USD$ 7.00)
Update published in 1843; addendum to 1844 book, after 1841 Catalogue.
Citation: Elements of Agricultural Chemistry; Sir Humphry Davy, John Shier (1844)
August 1844:
Foil 2" Sq.In = £ 0.0667
Where Fine Gold was £ 4.2477/ozt
1843: 1 Troy Ounce Gold (at purity, Mint) = £ 4.2477
1843: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (at purity, mkt est.) ~ £ 0.8495 Citation: The Edinburgh Review, Vol. 157? Sydney Smith (July 1843) p.17
Again, the W. & S. Jones Catalogue records consistent semi- and manufactured (wholesale?) Platinum prices from 1831-55.
Catalogue of optical, mathematical, and philosophical instruments, made and sold by W. and S. Jones, (30) Lower Holborn, London (1843) :
p.21: "Of Platina: Small retorts, crucibles, dishes, spoons, forecepts, thin rolled foil, wire, &c. per oz. 1l. 4s to 1l. 15s."
p. 15 "Grove's platina battery, single or in sets, from 18s. [£ 0.9] to [£ 10.5]" p.
p. 15 "Grove's platina battery, single or in sets, from 18s. [£ 0.9] to [£ 10.5]" p.
1843: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Semi-Mfg, Trade) = £ 1.20 - 1.75 (USD$ 5.76 - 8.38)
An 1845 Catalogue shows manufactured Platinum at 2x manufactured Silver, retail. Although 2.5x the price, a Platinum crucible of 21s. - 25s. weighed ~ 17.73 - 21.15 grams, whereas a "serviceable" Silver crucible weighed 1 Troy ounce, 1/3rd heavier and so much larger.
Citation: Agricultural chemistry ; George Cox (optician.) 1844 pp.
1843/4: In the USA, the 1842 establishment of The Malvern Foundry in Pennsylvania might factor in a global price rise that occurred in 1843/4. US govt source cite that date for increased dental demand in the USA, adding industrial demand on ore prices.
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