Citation: A Manual of Chemistry: Containing the Principal Facts of the Science; John White Webster (1840)
William Sturgeon's Fifth Memoir was composed in 1839, so his prices must date from that year. As a Grove's Battery of 10 Elements cost £ 7.0, a single Grove's Element cost £ 0.70 w/ 1 o.5"x 4" = 2" Sq. Foil. Where 50 pairs Platinum Plates 4"(o.5"x 4" = 2" Sq., double-sided = 4" Sq.) = 100 Sq. In.; 1 Grove's Battery (10 Pair) = 20 Sq. In.; 1 Element created .5 Cu. In. gas per minute.
Citation: The Annals of Electricity Magnetism and Chemistry and Guardian..., Vol 5, No. 26 August 1840
c. 1839: where a Platinized Silver plate (32 sq. in. surface) sold for £ 0.30; = 206.4 cm2, 3.808 mg. would be necessary to platinize this area/amount of Silver.
Citation: Lectures on Electricity: Comprising Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro-magnetism ...Henry Minchin Noad (1844)
1837: Platina Plate, presumably. A Britannia-Metal Tea Pot sold for £ 0.075
Hammered Platinum should have a Specific Gravity ~22.07