Where $ 1. = Fr. 5.1625 (Gold) and USD$ 1. = Fr. 3.835 - 3.598 (Avg. USD$ = Fr. 3.735)
Demidoff's Poud-Rate for Paris-delivery Russian Platinum @ 3,100 руб was 189.25 руб /Kg.
(Sept.: Fr 643. - 648.) per kilogram of refined ingot. Paris delivery raised the price 25%.
1867: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Paris: Ru Pt .999) = Fr. 20. - 20.16 (~USD$ 5.735)
At the SPb Mint, the Funt-Rate for Russian platina @ 1,680.8 руб/Poud was 102.61 руб/Kg.
(Sept.: Fr 348.54 - 351.40) per kilogram of ore.
1867: 1 Ozt. Pt (SPb: Ru Pt .999) = Fr. 10.84 - 10.93 (~USD$ 2.91)
At the SPb Mint, the Funt-Rate for SPb Russian Pt @ .999 = 2,025 руб/Poud was 123.63 руб/Kg. (Sept.: Fr 419.93 - 423.38) per kilogram of ore.
1867: 1 Ozt. Pt (SPb: Ru Pt .999) = Fr. 13.06 - 13.17 (~USD$ 3.51)
Assuming SPB refining cost руб 12./Funt (Fr. 3.11/Ozt), the Funt-Rate for SPb Russian Pt @ .999 = 2,505 руб
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (SPb: Ru Pt .999) = Fr. 16.16 - 16.29 (~USD$ 4.34)
1867: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Paris: Ru Pt .999) = Fr. 23.55 (~USD$ 6.30)
( 5.89 руб = US Gold $ 4.41; USD$ 6.107)
At the SPb Mint, the Funt-Rate for SPb Russian Platinum @ 2,500 руб/Poud was 152.62 руб/Kg. (Fr 610.48) per kilogram of Platinum Sponge/Ingot.
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Paris: Ru Pt .999) = 5.89 руб ; Fr. 23.55
= US Gold $ 4.41; USD$ 6.107
Where the "livre"/Фунт (=13.166 English Troy Ounces)
1867: 1 Ozt. platina (SPb: ~83% ore, Whols.) = 3.1915 руб (~ Fr. 12.77)
= $ 2.39; USD$ 3.31
1867: 1 Ozt. Pt (SPb: Ore @ .999, Whols.) = 3.8452 руб (~ Fr. 15.39)
= $ 2.88; USD$ 3.99
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (SPb: Semi-Mfg, Whols.) = 4.75 руб (~ Fr. 19.)
=$ 3.56; USD$ 4.93
1867: 1 Ozt. Iridosmine (SPb: PGMs, Whols.) = 6.20 руб (~ Fr. 24.79)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum Black (SPb: PGMs, Whols.) = 0.7291 руб (~ Fr. 2.92)
Citation: Paris Universal Exposition, 1867: Report upon the Precious Metals... ; William Phipps Blake, Reports of the US Commissioners (1869)
1858: 1 Ozt. platinum (Ore @ Choco, Whols.) = Fr 21.77 (USD $ 4.25)
1859: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Mfg, Trade) = Fr 31.10 - 38.88 (USD$ 5.98 - 7.47)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Mfg, Trade) = Fr 34.29 (USD$ 9.18)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Mfg, Whols./Retail) = Fr 46.65 (USD$ 12.48)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Mfg, Whols./Ret.) = Fr 62.20 (USD$ 16.65)
1866: 1 Ozt. Platinum (wholesale, unmanufactured, St. Pb?) = Fr 13.84 - 14.
The 1862 Ingot produced in collaboration by Johnson, Matthey/ Deville &Debray actually weighed 3,215 Ozt ; almost precisely 2 Zoll-Centners (von Wagner's error: +⅓)
*) At the International Exhibition of 1862, the firm Johnson, Matthey u &Co. in London exhibited a massive, 2 1/3 Centner heavy block of pure Platinum (in value of FFr. 85,000.), completely fusing platinum according to the refining process by Deville and Debray, the largest mass in history.
**) A Concentrating Still for Sulfuric acid (from Matthey) for daily concentration of 8 tons (= 160 Ctr.) Sulfuric acid costs at Johnson Matthey & Co. FFr. 62,500; a boiler for 5 tons (= 100 Ctr.) FFr. 41,000. The latter required to boiler has a platinum metal value of Fr. 27,500.
Citation: Die chemische Technologie: als Leitfaden bei Vorlesungen an Universitäten, technischen Lehranstalten, sowie zum Selbstunterricht; Johann Rudolf von Wagner (1868) p.101
Labor Price Indicated
2.33 Zoll-Centner = 257.17 Lbs avd. ~3,750 Ozt
Godart and Labordenave manufacture, tableware
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Mfg, Trade) = Fr 36.29 (USD$ 9.71)
soldered platinum tips for lightning rod which cost only 1/3 of the price of gold (~Fr 106.82: Fr 35.61), platinum fruit knife with silver handle
(weighing 36 gr. in platinum, costing 42 Fr.), platinum-plated
copper crucibles (by weights for around half the price of platinum dishes)
Citation: Bericht über die Welt-Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre ..., Volumes 2-3; Volume 6 Universal Exhibition (1867, Paris) p.264

Platinum instruments were twice the price of Silver and half the Price of Gold.
Citation: L. Mathieu, fabricant d'instruments de chirurgie &c; L. Mathieu (1867)
At Trade-Retail, intrinsic Platinum was 4.286x the Price of Commercial Silver. The manufacturing price was additional ("façon en sus" = additional charge, unstated.)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Semi-Mfg, Trade-Retail) = Fr 46.66 (USD$ 12.49)
1867: 1 Ozt. Silver (Semi-Mfg, Trade-Retail) = Fr 10.886 (USD$ 2.91)
Citation: Catalogue et prix des instruments de physique, de chimie, d'optique, de ... M Breton (1867), pp.
1867: 1 Ozt. platina (ore, whols.) = 2.67 руб (Gold $ 2.00 Gold; $2.77)
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (semi-mfg, whols.) = 3.97 руб (Gold $ 2.98; $ 4.12)
Citation: Catalogue special de la section russe la l"exposition universelle ..., Vol. 1 (1867) (1867), p. 129
1867: 1 Ingot = 13,000 Francs
Possibly dated UK price, dubious.
Citation: Leçons élémentaires de chimie, Part 2; Faustino Giovita Mariano Malaguti (1868) p.573
"Le platine coûte à peu près 27 francs les 31 grammes"
Resale of an 1861 Platinum Boiler (28.26 Kgs, 908.6 Ozt) by Vander Elst, a sulphuric acid manufacturer.
Paris Exhibition, 1867: Ruthenium Ingot, 2kgs
1867: 1 Ozt. Ruthenium (Paris: Rh .999) = Fr. 622.07

July, 1867: French Platinum Coinage idea rejected.
1867: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Theoretical Coinage Value) < Fr 31.10
Platinum Foreign Manufactures, 20% Tariff