The 2.88% difference between Cartagena and New York prices (USD$ 0.97) might account for shipping and insurance costs.
1913: 1 Troy Ounce Gold (Cartagena: Colombian ore) = USD$ 17.55
1913: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Cartagena: Colombian ore) = USD$ 34.29
1913: 1 Troy Oz. platina (NYC: Colombian ore) = USD$ 34.77
1913: 1 Troy Oz. platina (NYC: Colombian ore, intrinsic) ~ USD$ 41.39
Citation: Daily consular and trade reports, Part 2, Issues 76-152 ; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (March 16, 1914, # 62)
Citation: Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 107, #2, ; American Institute of Mining Engineers (1/11/1919)
Citation: The Jewelers' Circular, Vol. 85, Issue 2 (11/1/1922) p.77
Factoring the telegraph, New York news arrived about ~30 days later.
Cartagena merchants "paid" miners 30% the last month's New York Spot for intrinsic Platinum, additionally deducting for 'impurities' (other PGMs) on which they actually realized additional profit in sales to New York buyers. Assuming 84% purity ore and whereas local Silver Pesos in Chocó were officially rated C$1.38 per Troy Oz., per English Troy Ounce of platina, local miners received:
USD$/C$ 34.77 * 33% = $11.58 * 90% = C$ 10.42
Poorer still for the intrinsic coin-silver value, the equivalent 7.538 Troy Ounces Silver (C$) was theoretically worth just USD$ 0.604 per Oz = USD$ 4.55!
Citation: Colombia: a commercial and industrial handbook ; Purl Lord Bell, United States. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (1921) p.109
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