November 18, 2014

Germany, 1821

At J.V. Albert, Frankfurt semi-manufactured retail cost 30.2% more than Paris, suggesting  a merchant's discount and Paris origin for the wares.

1820/1: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Paris: Ore, Retail) = Fr. 15.25 (Fl. 7.512)
1820/1: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Scrap, Ret.) = Fr. 15.25 (Fl. 7.512)
1820/1: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Semi-Mfg, Ret.) = Fr. 2o.33 (Fl. 9.536)
1820/1: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris: Mfg, Ret.) = Fr. 24.40 (Fl. 11.443)

"I think the friends of Practical Chemistry in Russia's empire might find useful this communication of a price list for Platinum apparatus which I have just received from Frankfurt am Main, especially since I have been frequently observing platinum crucibles from France as followed.

Previously known to be manufactured by Janety the Younger in Paris (Rue Colombier, 21 and Rue Neuve de l'Abbaye 14, Faubourg Saint-Germain) are Platinum crucibles, evaporating basins, spatulas, funnels and various chemical equipment : Fr. 24. per Once ; Platinum foil and wire: Fr. 20. per Once ; and Platinum scraps and platina: Fr. 15. per Once. Also assumed to be observed the same at the Pharmacist Guilbert in Paris (Rue Dauphiné, No. 38). 

Here is the Price-List of Platinum-Apparatus just now sourced from Frankfurt a.M.  Mr. Albert has a great warehouse of sundry instruments, models, tools, and the like, shown in a complete list (of 96 pages in octavo) distributed.

Price-List of Platinum apparatus which Joh{ann} Val{entin} Albert has provisioned in Frankfurt; by request, any other arbitrary shapes are manufactured from platinum

Ich glaube den Freunden der praktischen Chemie im Russischen Reiche durch die Mittheilung des Preisverzeichnis von Platin geräthschaften welches ich eben aus Frankfurt a.M. erhalten habe, einen angenehmen Dienst zu leiften, besonders da ich öfterer um die Beforgung von Platine Tiegeln aus Frankreich ersucht worden bin.

Bekanntlich verfertigt bisher Jannnety d. jung. (Rue-Colombier, 21. und Rue Neuve de l'Abbaye 14., Faubourg Saint-Germain) zu Paris Tiegeln, Abrauchschaalen, Spatel, Röhren und verschiedene chemische Gerätschaften Platina die Unze zu 24 Francs; Platinblech und Draht die Unze zu 20 Francs und Platinschnißel und Platinsand die Unze zu 15 Francs. Auch übernahm die Beforgung derselben zu Paris der Apotheker Guilbert (Rue Dauphiné, No. 38).

Hier ist das Verzeichniß von Platin-Geräthschaften wie sie gegenwärtig aus Frankfurt a.M. zu beziehen find. Hr. Albert hat eine große Niederlage von mancherlen Instrumenten, Modellen, Werkzeugen und dgl. worüber er ein vollständiges Verzeichnis (von 96 S. in 8.) vertheilt.  

Verzeichniß der Platin-Geräthschaften welche bey  Joh. Val. Albert in Frankfurt vorrathig zu haben sind; bey dem auch nach Verlangen alle andere beliebige Formen aus Platin verfertigt werden.

{Assuming the Frankfurt Silbergewicht Loth : 14.616 g., and in Gold coin Fl. 1. = Fr 2.1322
1 Kg. Mfg Platinum, cost Retail: Fl. 478.94 = Fr. 1,021.19}

1821: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Frankfurt: Ore, Retail) = Fl. 10.6402 ($ 5.517)
1821: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Frankfurt: Scrap, Ret.) = Fl. 11.7042 ($ 6.07)
1821: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Frankfurt: Mfg, Ret.) = Fl. 14.8967 ($ 7.724)
1821: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Frankfurt: Mfg, Ret.) = Fl. 23.0211 ($ 11.94)

Citation: Allgemeine nordische Annalen der Chemie für die Freunde..., Vol. 8;  Alexander Nicolaus Scherer (October, 1822)


Platinum Per Processed Loth, each Fl. 7
Volume Weight Price
1) Crucible,       Large, viz. with lids; or without lids, weighing in relation somewhat less 20 204.62 g. Fl. 98.00

Ditto 18 190.01 g. Fl. 91.00

Ditto 12 175.39 g. Fl. 84.00

Ditto,              Medium 11.5 146.16 g. Fl. 70.00

Ditto 9 124.24 g. Fl. 59.50

Ditto 5.5 93.18 g. Fl. 44.63

Ditto,              Small 3.5 76.73 g. Fl. 37.63

Ditto 2.5 54.81 g. Fl. 21.00
2) Evaporating Basins, large size 
28 175.39 g. Fl. 84.00

26 153.47 g. Fl. 73.50

20 135.20 g. Fl. 65.63

18 124.24 g. Fl. 59.50

Evaporating Basins w/spout, large size 
20 138.85 g. Fl. 66.55

16 95.00 g. Fl. 45.50

7.5 65.77 g. Fl. 31.50
3) Retorts w/ cover &pipe, solder in gold

160.78 g. Fl. 119.00


134.77 g. Fl. 99.75
4) Spoon w/wide handle, which also serves as spatula 31.06 g. Fl. 14.87

Ditto,  w/ shorter handle

21.92 g. Fl. 10.50


14.62 g. Fl. 7.00

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