Stated at 68.4152 Loth per Kilogram, 1 Loth = 14.6166 Grams (0.47 Troy Ounce); where
31.1035 Grams/CC H
2O. is a crucible (w/o lid) of 1 Ozt or 2.128 Loth weight and Fl 12.236 for the Crucible including manufacture.
Where 1 Ozt = 2.128 Loth köln.
Where 1 Unze = 29.231 Grams (0.9398 Troy Ounces) of Water by volume, estimated correspondence for 1 English Troy Ounce (31.1035 Grams) of manufactured Platinum-ware is adjusted accordingly, because the actual weight of the item is unknown.
As reported current, Gressler's Prices (= Eduard Greßler of Erfurt, Thüringen) are identical to the 1851 Catalogue for 1-Unzen capsules; prices are therefore presumed the same.
In Germany, the retail price of manufactured Platinum was ~40% cheaper than in the USA (1857.)
1856: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (German Refined)= Fl 14.515; Thlr. 8.29 (USD$ 5.73)
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Trade: Refined)= Fl 11.612 ; Thlr. 6.635 (USD$ 4.59)
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Trade: Mfg)= Fl 12.2357; Thlr. 7. (USD$ 4.83)
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Mfg: Crucible)= Fl 0.6239 ; Thlr. 0.03604 (USD$ 0.25)
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Berlin: Refined, Retail)= Thlr. 12.7677 (USD$ 8.68)
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Erfurt: Mfg, Trade)~ Rthlr. 8.5125 (USD$ )
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Erfurt: semi-mfg, retail) = Thlr 11.70 ; Fl. 17.56
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Erfurt: mfg, retail) = Thlr 12.77 ; Fl. 19.15
1857: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Erfurt: mfg, retail) = Thlr 15.96 ; Fl. 23.94
1860: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Intrinsic, Ret) = Thl 11.20 (USD$ 8.25)
Where the Loth (~68.5152 per kg.) is clearly stated at 14.61664 g.:
c.1857: Fl.1 @ℳ 1.3919: 1 Kg. Platinum (Unmfg) = ℳ 649.55
Platinum instrument from W. G. Heraeus in Hanau. - The owner of a refinery for platinum, palladium, gold and silver delivers crafted platinum far cheaper than was previously common in Germany, namely the Kilogram 466.66 Gulden (= 266.66 Thaler.) or Loth 6.821 Gulden (= 3.898 Thaler.); also, when ordering an entire Kilogrm. a 3% rebate is granted
(for three kilos., 5%.)
Crucibles for example, which
contain 8 Grammes water (8 cc), weighing 0.625 Loth, Fl. 5.70 (Thlr. 3.258);
contains 15 Gr. of water. (15 cc) weighing 1 Loth, cost Fl. 8.2667, (Thlr. 4.725)
contains water 30 Gr.* water (30 cc), weighing 2 Loth, cost Fl. 11.50 (Thlr. 6.575)
*) Luhme &Co. Berlin calculated platinum crucibles and dishes excl. fashioning at 6 Thaler per Loth. In Gressler in Berlin platinum dishes cost 8 Thlr./Unze Volume (per 29.231 Grams/cc.)
Citation: Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 10 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Sachen und Thüringen in Halle (1857) p.504-5
Where the Zollpfund was 500 grams. the new Loth (1/32) was 15.63 grams:
c.1856: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mkt, Mfg) = Fl 17.79 (USD$ 7.73)
Citation: Die Natur: Ein Lesebuch für Schule und Haus. Nach dem Schwedischen des ...N. J. Berlin (1857) p.448
Mistakenly, Platinum (during the Russian coinage period) was considered four times higher than
in the 1820s. On the contrary, the Price of Platinum was nearly the
same in 1820 but higher in 1828. This may be a German example of
vestigial misunderstanding/conflation of the the 1825 Price Spike event
and the late 19th Century Gold Price equivalent.
The notably low Loth price more plausibly refers to London manufacture, circa 1813/4.
1820: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris semi-mfg, German retail) = Thlr 6.38 (Fr 24.; USD$ 5.57)
1828: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (semi-mfg, whols.) = Thlr 9.57 (USD$ 6.84)
Citation: Chemie für Laien: Eine populäre Belehrung über die ..., Vol. 8, Part 2 (1862)