{Beware inconsistency: although printed in Nuremburg, Bavaria, Batka's 1829 Prag Catalogue most likely cites standard Austrian Commercial (Handelgeweight) prices. Catalogues printed for retail elsewhere may include other, different weights!}
(Austrian) Handelsgewicht Unze ......... 1.12528 Ozt.
(Austrian) Handelsgewicht Loth ........... 0.56264 Ozt.
(Austrian) Handelsgewicht Drachme .... 0.14066 Ozt.
(Austrian) Handelsgewicht Gramme .... 0.03517 Ozt.
(Austrian) Handelsgewicht Gran .......... 0.00257 Ozt.
In 1829, Druggist Wholesaler W. Batka in Prague sold Platinum Wire/Sheet by the Standardized Austrian Commercial "Loth" {= 17.5 Grammes} for Gold Fl. 10, so
1829: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Semi-Mfg: Wire/Sheet) Fl. 17.77 ($ 7.83)
Mid-August 1828: 1 Troy Ounce platina (@ Bogota) = Fl. 2.380/ Rh Thlr 1.587
At Prag Retail/Ozt (Fl 632.26) 1 Kilogram Russian Ore (81% Pt, 11% Rh, 1.6% Pd) net retail value for all PGMs: ~ Fl 1,082. - 1,113. (assuming 1822 rates)
At the SPb Mint (1827 price: Fr. 623.) the same Kilogram of Ural platina cost Fl. 245, ~four times less.
26.0 Ozt Platinum = Fl 462.64
3.5 Ozt Rhodium = £ 53.0 = Fl 499.-530.5
0.5 Ozt Palladium = Fr. 304. = Fl. 119.85
1829: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Prag: Colombian Ore) = Fl 8.863
..... £ 0.9194, Fr 22.60, ℳ 12.21, USD$ 4.36
1829: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Prag: Ru Ore, retail: 80%) = Fl 14.18
..... £ 1.47, Fr 36.17, ℳ 19.54, USD$ 6.97
1829: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Prag: Refined, retail) = Fl 17.765
..... £ 1.843, Fr 45.31, ℳ 24.47, USD$ 8.74
1829: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Prag: Mfg, retail) ~ Fl 27.371
..... £ 2.853, Fr 70.14, ℳ37.88, USD$ 13.46
(Abdampfschale) - Evaporating Capsule of solid Platinum plate, reinforced with copper.
Impossible to determine the exact Platinum-weight of this article; the Silver 'Evaporating Boiler' (Abdampfkessel) may have been a different, heavier object; the Platinum Dish was 2.5x the Silver. Assuming the capsule actually 6 zoll-durchmesser (Radius = 1.38197655 Zoll) or 15.8040 cm2 (Radius = 2.2428933 cm) the basin would approximate the diameter of contemporary AR Thaler of Franz II (42mm).
Schmelztiegel - Platinum
Crucible with cover, Capacity : 1 Fluid Ounce ( 29.6 cc ~25 gr.) = Fl. 25 (£ 2.79)
Crucible w/cover ..................... 2 Fluid Ounce ( 59.2 cc ~50 gr.) = Fl. 35
Crucible w/cover ...................... 3 Fluid Ounce ( 88.7 cc ~70 gr.) = Fl. 45
Crucible w/cover ...................... 4 Fluid Ounce (118.3 cc ~100 gr.) = Fl. 55
Tiegelchen und Schälchen zum ausglühen - Platinum
Pots and Bowls for Refining = Fl. 10. - 12.
Löffelchen zu Löthrohrversuchen
Spoon for Blowpipe = Fl. 2.5 - 3.
Löthrohrspitze nach harkort massiv
Grand Blowpipe w/ massive stem = Fl. 2.5
Spatel (auch als zange zu gebrauchen)
Spatula (to use as pliers) = Fl. 12. - 15.
Ditto, with iron handle = Fl. 6..
Taschenmesser mit Platinklinge
Pocket knife with Platinum blade = Fl. 12.
Wagschalen, zu einer Granwage das Paar
Scale Balance, to a Gram weight = Fl. 8. - 10.
Platinafolie, Drath und Blech das Loth
Platinum Foil, Wire and Sheet, per Loth = Fl. 10.
c. 1829: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (producer's mfg) = Fl C.M. 11.04 (Fr 28.44)
March, 1829: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Sponge, mfg) ~ Fl 15.20 (£ 1.60)
1835: 1 Troy Oz. Silver (Prag: Refined, retail) = Fl C.M. 3.545
..... £ 0.3697, Fr 9.137, ℳ 4.683
1835: 1 Troy Oz. Palladium = NA.
1835: 1 Troy Oz. Rhodium = NA.
Citation: Verzeichnis der neuesten Chemischen und Pharmaceutischen Geraethschaften: mit Abbildungen. Wenzel Batka. (1829)
Where 1 Wiener Apotheker Pfund = 5760 Gran, 1 Unze weighed 480 Gran (35 Grams) = 1.1253 English Troy Ounces; 1 Kilogram = 1,3714 Gran; 1 Ozt. = 426.5530753 Gran, 0.88865 Unze.
"W. Batka" = Wenzel Batka in Prague, c.1794
1802, 1811, 1814:
"W. Batka" = Johann Baptist Batka, c. 1820.
1824: Advertising Platinum
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