In 1898, Colombia produced ~11,700 ozt (~363 kgs) platina.
In 1897, Colombia produced 107,740 ozt (3,351 kgs) Gold.
In 1898, Colombia produced 104,425 ozt (3,248 kgs) Gold.
In 1899, Colombia produced 87,535 ozt (2,723 kgs) Gold.
1897- 1902: Volatile exchange rate & speculation
1898: Presumably, an overall and total production since 1789 or so?
Citation: Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical ..., Vol. 28 ; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (1898)
Henry Granger's 1898 article, "Mining Districts of Colombia" is otherwise full of local insights as to yield & cost of PMs. Exceptionally DRY years may have witnessed the greatest yields of Gold and Platinum in Chocó.
Zambullidores made much more money.
Mazamorreros paid $2. - $4./day.
c. 1885: 12 days journey to the Coast
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