Reported in 1825:
von Humboldt's estimation was probably rough and incorrect. If true, however, the Platinum market price was nearly Fr. 35./once.
Rating 4,684.817 Kilogrammes of Fine Gold @Fr. 3,434.50/Kg. = Fr. 16,090,006.
Rating 5,700 Kilogrammes of Fine Gold @Fr. 3,434.50/Kg. = Fr. 19,576,650.
Deducting a maximum 33.17 Kgs Platinum @Fr. 1,123.68 = Fr. 37,272,
c.1824: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris Mkt) = Fr. 34.95
Citation: The Edinburgh Journal of Science, Vol.6 p.324

81 Funt = 1,066. Ozt (1893 citation)
73 Funt = 961. Ozt (1832 citation)
Citation: Narrative of a Visit to the Courts of Russia and Sweden: In the Year 1830 & 1831, Vol. 2; Charles Colville Frankland (1832)
1836: No mention of any Platinum price fluctuation, in a quasi-official summary.
40.865 Funt = 538 Ozt.
Citation: Aperçu sur les monnaies russes et sur les monnaies étrangères qui ..., Vol. 1 (1836) Stanislav Shoduar (1836) p.147

October 3, 1823: A German-language newspaper in St. Petersburg first reported chemical analyses of 'white gold' as platina.
In the Fall of 1824 the amount of platina recovered was yet unknown, but historical data suggests an annual yield of 33 kilograms in 1824. The first major platina placer discovery was in May, 1824; the final Uralian caravans with appreciable amounts of the metal arrived in St. Petersburg by sledge around February 1825.
The seasonal port of St. Petersburg typically remained frozen and closed to export commerce until April/May. Although the port opened on 5 April 1825, flooding perhaps delayed normal business for several weeks longer. Therefore, at the earliest, the first significant quantities of Russian platina (1824) may have reached Paris and London markets after June 1825.
von Humboldt's estimation was probably rough and incorrect. If true, however, the Platinum market price was nearly Fr. 35./once.
Rating 4,684.817 Kilogrammes of Fine Gold @Fr. 3,434.50/Kg. = Fr. 16,090,006.
Rating 5,700 Kilogrammes of Fine Gold @Fr. 3,434.50/Kg. = Fr. 19,576,650.
Deducting a maximum 33.17 Kgs Platinum @Fr. 1,123.68 = Fr. 37,272,
c.1824: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris Mkt) = Fr. 34.95
Citation: The Edinburgh Journal of Science, Vol.6 p.324
81 Funt = 1,066. Ozt (1893 citation)
73 Funt = 961. Ozt (1832 citation)
Citation: Narrative of a Visit to the Courts of Russia and Sweden: In the Year 1830 & 1831, Vol. 2; Charles Colville Frankland (1832)
1836: No mention of any Platinum price fluctuation, in a quasi-official summary.
40.865 Funt = 538 Ozt.
Citation: Aperçu sur les monnaies russes et sur les monnaies étrangères qui ..., Vol. 1 (1836) Stanislav Shoduar (1836) p.147
October 3, 1823: A German-language newspaper in St. Petersburg first reported chemical analyses of 'white gold' as platina.
In the Fall of 1824 the amount of platina recovered was yet unknown, but historical data suggests an annual yield of 33 kilograms in 1824. The first major platina placer discovery was in May, 1824; the final Uralian caravans with appreciable amounts of the metal arrived in St. Petersburg by sledge around February 1825.
The seasonal port of St. Petersburg typically remained frozen and closed to export commerce until April/May. Although the port opened on 5 April 1825, flooding perhaps delayed normal business for several weeks longer. Therefore, at the earliest, the first significant quantities of Russian platina (1824) may have reached Paris and London markets after June 1825.
Citation: Journal für Chemie und Physik, Vol. 46; Johann Salomo Christoph Schweigger, Franz Wilhelm Schweigger-Seidel
Reported 14 November in Franfurt Am Main and 18 November, 1824 in Kaiserlich-Königlich privilegirter Bothe von und für Tirol und Vorarlberg, (Western Austria) :
Leaves Public Report from St. Petersburg 22 October 1824: According to reports, is expected before the end of this year, from the Ural gold mines, especially the Goldsandmäschereien, 200 poods, or 8,000 pfund of gold. part of the crown, but mostly individuals belonging. This significant mass, against 3,280 French kilograms, and beneath which there is sometimes Platina, is worth about one million ducats. At the beginning of this century, the annual yield from all over America to 17.291 kilograms, including those of Brazil : 6,873 kilograms. So Russia now gives about half as much gold as Brazil, and it is significant growth in the near future be expected. The processing of gold-washing has prompted several mine owners, to reduce the less profitable processing of iron and copper-rich, since Russia is now a major producer of copper, so this seems to expect a rise in copper prices can be.
Citation: Journal de pharmacie et de chimie (1895) p.132
1827: The major discovery was in 1825, but lesser placers with some platina were discovered in the Autumn of 1824. Russian Platina may have started arriving in Western Europe in the Winter of 1824, or by the Summer of 1825.
If the Pt was 538.2 ozt and the Au 37,390 ozt., only 1,180 kilos.
1822-4: Vasily Vasilyevitch Lyubarsky's analysis of the Ural ore confirms 60% Ir, 30% Os, 2% Pt. This was well-known in Europe by 1829/30, after Berzelius, as M. Laugier had reported in July 1825. Rastorgujers =
Misstating the Ir/Os purity:
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