1865: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris: Mfg, Bulk) = ℳ 19.604 (Fr 33.327)
The same prices are indicated for 1865 & 1866.
After Franfurt lost its Free State status, Johann Hector Rössler (1842-1915) assumed control of the privatized Frankfurt refinery which his father had managed/owned; his younger brother Heinrich (1845-1924) was then completing his dissertation on the double cyanides of Platinum and Palladium. As retailers for Johnson-Matthey, their refining business presumably shipped back small amounts of Platinum slag to London for re-purification and manufacture.
1865: 1 Kg. Platinum (UK Mkt, Mfg?) = Fl 478.39 (£ 40.)
1865: 1 Kg. Platinum (Paris Mfg, Bulk) = Fl. 497.90 (Fr 1,050.)
1865: 1 Kg. Platinum (Semi-Mfg, Retail) = Fl 460. ($ 187.20)
1865: 1 Kg. Platinum Scrap (Bid) = Fl 320. ($ 130.20)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg: Spoons, Ret.) = Fl 20.217 ($ 8.227)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg: Crucible, Ret.) = Fl 17.107 ($ 6.961)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Semi-Mfg: Fine Wire, Ret.) = Fl 18.04 ($ 7.341)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Semi-Mfg: Simple Wire, Ret.) = Fl 14.308 ($ 5.822)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Scrap, BID) = Fl 9.953 ($ 4.05)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Palladium (Semi-Mfg) = Fl 100.81 ($ 41.02)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Iridium (Refined, Sponge) = Fl 31.41 ($ 12.78)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Iridosmine (Ore, Ret.) = Fl 31.41 ($ 12.78)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Silver (Mfg: Crucible, Ret.) = Fl 6.117 ($ 2.49)
1865: 1 Troy Oz. Silver (Mfg: Crucible, Ret.) = Fl 7.70 ($ 3.13)
Platinum Manufacture and Rare Metals
Johnson, Matthey Co. in London,
at Hector Rössler in Frankfurt a.M.
Platinum Crucible and Dish, Blowpipe Spoons, Combustion Boats, Spatulas, Steel Pliers w/Platinum tips, Lightning Rod Tips, as well as all existing worked products in any form, per 100 g. : Fl. 55-65.
Platinum Wire and Sheet, in any thickness per 100 g.: Fl. 46-58.
Silver Crucible and Dish, per 100 g.: Fl. 19.66 - Fl. 24.75
Palladium Sponge and Sheet, per 100 g.: Fl. 324.10
Iridium Sponge and melted, per 100 g. Fl. 101.
Iridosmine, per 100 g. : Fl. 101.
Aluminum, in bars, per 100 g. : Fl. 9. 38 kr.
Aluminum Wire and Sheet, per 100 g. : Fl. 19.
Natrium (Sodium) per 100 g. : Fl. 2
Magnesium Wire and Ribbon, per 100 g. : Fl. 35 and Fl. 40.
Thallium, per 100 g. : Fl. 90.
N.B. Scrap Platinum - when quite pure - shall be worth Fl 32. per 100 g. when taken in payment.
Made from absolutely chemically pure preparations.
August 1865:
Citation: Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie, Vol. 4
February & August 1865:
Taking a Silver Par @.999 Fine Ag, where 1 Thaler (=6.8098 gr Fine Ag) = $ 0.283075)
Citation: Numismatische Zeitung: Bl. für Münz-, Wappen- u. Siegelkunde, Vol. 32 (1865) p.
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