"Gewicht, Zoll-Gewicht, 1 Pfund {500 g} = 30 Loth, 1 Loth = 10 Quentchen {16.6667 g.}"
1860: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Paris: Mfg, Intrinsic, Trade) ~ Thlr. 9.82 (Fr. 37.32)
1860: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Paris: Semi-Mfg, Sheet, Ret.) ~ Thlr. 10.64 (Fr. 40.44)
1860: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (UK: Intrinsic, Mkt) ~ Thlr. 8.86 (£ 1.35)
1860: 1 Ozt. Platinum (UK: Semi-Mfg: Retail) ~ Thlr. 10.50 (£ 1.60)
1860: 1 Ozt. Platinum (USA: Mkt) ~ Thlr. 10.86 (USD $ 8.00)
1860: 1 Ozt. Platinum (USA: Semi-Mfg, Wire, Ret.) ~ Thlr. 16.28 (USD $ 12.00)
1860: 1 Ozt. Platinum (USA: Mfg,Mfg, Crucible, Ret.) ~ Thlr. 19.54 (USD $ 14.40)
1860: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Intrinsic, Ret) = Thl 11.20 (USD$ 8.25)
1860: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Semi-Mfg, Ret) = Thl 11.82 - 12.45 (USD$ 8.70 - 9.17)
1860: 1 Ozt. Platinum (Mfg, Ret.) = Thl 25.94 (USD$ 19.10)
1860: 1 Ozt. Silver (Mfg, Ret?) = Thl 2.50 (USD$ 1.83)
Citation: Preis-Verzeichniss d. Glashuettenwerke... so wie chemischer... medicinisch ...; Warmbrunn, Quilitz & Co (1860) pp.
Intrinsic price of Evaporating Basin at Thlr 6./ Zoll-Loth 16.67g
1860: Where the Loth of Chlor-Platinate should cost Thlr. 4.50
1860: 1 Ounce Chlor-Platin (Photo. Chemical, Ret.) = Thlr. 9.72
1860: 1 Troy Ozt. Platinum Chloride (Chemist's, Ret.) = Thlr. 3.73/ 4.26 ($ 2.79; $3.14 )
Citation: Photographisches Lexicon: ein Alphabetisches Nachschlage-Buch; Julius Schnauss (1860) p. xvi

Where the Loth was 14.40 g., the Quentchen ~1.6g.
1862: 1 Ounce Chlor-Gold (Photo. Chemical, Retail) = Thlr. 25.9196
1862: 1 Ounce Chlor-Platin (Photo. Chemical, Ret.) = Thlr. 9.72