April 18, 2013
France, 1907
April 11, 2013
Germany, 1891
Various items priced in Sterling.
Citation: Catalogue of bacteriological and hygienic apparatus; Hermann Rohrbeck (1891)

Platinum Weights:
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg, Retail) = ℳ 77.76 (USD$ 18.34)
Citation: Catalogue of bacteriological and hygienic apparatus; Hermann Rohrbeck (1891)

1891: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (UK market) = £ (USD$ )
Citation: Catalogue of bacteriological and hygienic apparatus; Hermann Rohrbeck (1891)
Platinum Weights:
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg, Retail) = ℳ 77.76 (USD$ 18.34)
Citation: Catalogue of bacteriological and hygienic apparatus; Hermann Rohrbeck (1891)
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (UK market) = £ (USD$ )
Citation: Handbuch der chemischen Technologie: Neue Folge, Vol. 12; Georges Lunge et al. (1903) p.785
Citation: Die Chemische Industrie, Vol. 15 (1892) p.70
April 10, 2013
France, 1891
1889: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 27.99 (USD$ 5.42)
1889: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Wholesale) = Fr 107.87 (USD$ 20.886)
1889: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 34.21 (USD$ 6.62)
1890: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 74.65 (USD$ 14.44)
1890: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Wholesale) = Fr 107.93 (USD$ 20.881)
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 45.10 (USD$ 8.721)
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Wholesale) = Fr 108.365 (USD$ 20.952)
Citation: Commission Permanente des Valeurs de Douane (1890)

1891: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum = Fr 99.53 (USD$ 19.00 - 19.26)
Citation: Actualites scientifiques (1907) Max de Nansouty p.161

1891?: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum ~ Fr 186.62 (USD$ 35.937)
Error in date (1861= 1891?)
Percentage of Gold counterfeits in Platinum dropped substantially:
1889: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Wholesale) = Fr 107.87 (USD$ 20.886)
1889: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 34.21 (USD$ 6.62)
1890: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 74.65 (USD$ 14.44)
1890: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Wholesale) = Fr 107.93 (USD$ 20.881)
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Wholesale) = Fr 45.10 (USD$ 8.721)
1891: 1 Troy Oz. Gold (Wholesale) = Fr 108.365 (USD$ 20.952)
Citation: Commission Permanente des Valeurs de Douane (1890)
1891: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum = Fr 99.53 (USD$ 19.00 - 19.26)
Citation: Actualites scientifiques (1907) Max de Nansouty p.161
1891?: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum ~ Fr 186.62 (USD$ 35.937)
Error in date (1861= 1891?)
Percentage of Gold counterfeits in Platinum dropped substantially:
France, 1875
Where the cost of refining was presumably ~Fr. 24./kg, 1 kg Pt = Fr. 1,094. - Fr 1,360
1875: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Paris, Retail) = Fr. 24.88
1875: 1 Troy Oz platina (Paris, Ret.) = Fr. 31.10
1875: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Paris, Retail) = Fr. 24.88
1875: 1 Troy Oz platina (Paris, Ret.) = Fr. 31.10
1875: 1 Troy Oz Pt (Paris: Intrinsic) = Fr. 33.265 - 41.582
1875: 1 Troy Oz Pt (Paris: Small Producer Cost) = Fr. 34.01 - 42.33
1875: 1 Troy Oz Pt (Paris: Small Producer Mfg) = Fr. 35.93 - 44.25
Per Kg: Fr 1,000 > Fr 938.35 > Fr 914.24 > Fr 683.85 > ~ Fr 445. - 513.
1875: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Mfg, Bulk) = Fr. 31.10
1875: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris Net Mfg) = Fr. 29.19
1875: 1 Troy Oz platina (Paris: Intrinsic) = Fr. 28.44
1875: 1 Troy Oz platina (Paris: Ore: break-even) = Fr. 21.27
1875: 1 Troy Oz platina (Paris: Ore, Bulk) ~ Fr. 21.27
Citation: Bulletin de statistique et de législation comparée, Vol. 56 p.645
The Platinum Still which cost Fr 41,000 in 1872 cost Fr 50,000 in 1875: the reported price had risen 21.95% in three years.
Citation: Bulletin de la Société chimique de Paris, Annee 1876: 1er Semestre Tome XXV, p.
1875: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Intrinsic, Bulk) = Fr. 31.10
Citation: Le Moniteur scientifique du Doctor Quesneville: Journal ..., Vol. 39-40 G. A. Quesneville, p.664
1875: 1 Troy Ounce Platino-Iridium (Unique) = Fr. 101.98
1875: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Unique) = Fr. 90
1875: 1 Troy Oz. Iridium (Unique) = Fr. 200
Where the assumed intrinsic value of Gold-plated "Platinum" counterfeit FF 20 (0.1866 Ozt Fine Au) was ~Fr. 4. with 5.26 g Fine Platinum (Counterfeit Alloy: 81.5% Pt, 18.5% Cu with a Specific Gravity of 17.3 matches the Napoleon) actual Platinum cost delivered is unknown.
1874/5?: 1 Troy Oz Platinum (Paris: Intrinsic, Scrap?) ~ Fr. 23.66
Citation: Documents Rélatifs À la Question Monétaire Recueillis Et Publiés en Fascicules (1877) 1/20/1876
In this way, on a large scale, and or over 6 years (since before 1870), Isabellines, Napoleons, Sovereigns have manufactured in Spain. A certain quantity of these coins was introduced to France by both trade borders by Carlist refugees. Back in 1870, one of us had the opportunity to review a collection of these fake currencies. A new collection has been exhibited in the conference of 1876, and we've seen that the forgers had made very considerable progress and were clean their latest products to deceive the public.
Manufacturing centers are mainly Valencia and Barcelona. The workshops are equipped with hydraulic presses with which were stamped noiselessly "blanks" of platinum. One workshop in Barcelona would have provided for a million and a half of counterfeit currency; another would work in much larger proportions. The workshops were very well equipted and serviced by qualified mechanics and engravers. The sheets are produced in various parts of Europe by industrialists whose address was communicated; these sheets, according to the witness, were all 25 cm long, 8.5 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick.
Alloy: 95% Pt, 5% Cu
Citation: Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons; Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons (1877) p.31
1875: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (London: Intrinsic) = Fr 32.66
In reply, (to Ignatz Sroof, Direcrtor of the Griesheim Works near Hoechst/Frankfurt, Bavaria) Gustav Delplace of Namur Belgium cited Belgian prices for Platinum acquired from Johnson Matthey:
In the past 5 years, the price for 1 kg refined platinum fluctuated between Fr. 1,050 and Fr. 1,200 depending on the market price for the ore. {...} For the past 5 years, my apparatuses are from the platinum manufacturers Johnson Matthey & Company (Hatton Garden) made in London.
Citation: Chemie-Arbeit in Werk und Labor, Vol. 3 1/1880 p.11
c.1875 Lightning Rod Tip often Lead, not pure Platinum
In Platinum, Chapuis Lightning Rod Tip weighed 10.627 Grams (~0.342 Ozt)
April 8, 2013
Russia, 1900
Late January 1901: 1 Ozt. Platinum (London Retail) = (USD$ )
Citation: Engineering and Mining Journal, p.212 (Vol. 71 (2/16/1901)
1900: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (London: Bulk Ore, at 83%) = 29.67 руб
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (London: Bulk Ore, @ .999) ~ 35.746 руб
Late January 1901: 1 Ozt. Platinum (London Retail) = (USD$ )
Citation: Engineering and Mining Journal, p.212 (Vol. 71 (2/16/1901)
1900: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (London: Bulk Ore, at 83%) = 29.67 руб
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (London: Bulk Ore, @ .999) ~ 35.746 руб
1900: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (Bid, Scrap) = 29.149 руб
1900: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (NYC: unrefined ingot, Spot) = 35.154 руб
1900: 1 Troy Oz. platina (NYC market) = 35.659 руб
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (NYC: avg refined) = 42.305 руб
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (NYC market, mfg whols.) = 44.986 руб1900: 1 Troy Oz. platina (SPb mkt?) = 28.4822 руб (USD$ 14.66)
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (SPb mkt?) = 34.316 руб (USD$ 17.66)
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Cost) = 15.19 - 17.09 руб (USD$ 7.82 - 8.79)
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Cost) = 18.04 - 22.79 руб (USD$ 9.28 - 11.73)
1900: 1 Troy Ounce platina (ingot, NYC market) = USD$ 17.75 - 18.20
1900: 1 Troy Ounce platina (ingot, NYC market) = USD$ 18.35
1900: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (avg refined) = USD$ 21.77
1900: Monthly Wage (Winter) = 9.60 руб (USD$ 4.94)
1900: Monthly Wage (Summer) = 28.8 руб (USD$ 14.82)
Citation: Engineering, Vol. 70 (9/7/1900) p. 301
Where 1 Poud platina cost £ 1,494 (14,901.19 руб in Bills, 14,043 руб currency)
1900: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Ural Spot) = 28.295 руб (£ 2.8368; USD$ 14.56)
1900: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Ural Spot, .999) = 34.09 руб (£ 3.418; USD$ 17.543)
April 5, 2013
Russia, 1880
c. 1880: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (SPb mkt) = 4.7470 руб
1880: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (SPb mkt) = 5.6964 руб
..... (~Fr 22.79)
1880: Pt Yield = 179.75 Poud = 7,190 Funt = 94,664.4 Ozt.= 2,944.4 Kgs
1880: Au Yield = Poud = Funt = Ozt. = Kgs
Citation: Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Vol. 15 1903
Citation: Suspect Reprinting (Contract price?)
1880: Pt Yield = 179.91 Poud = 7,196.37 Funt = 94,748.3 Ozt.= 2,947 Kgs.
1880: Au Yield= 2,641.925 Poud= 105,677 Funt= 1,391,355.7 Ozt.= 43,276 Kgs.
Different data.
RUSSIAN PLATINUM MINES.—The entire production of the Ural platinum mines during the last ten years has been sold to a foreign syndicate, which originally had the idea of speculating upon a progressive demand for the metal for electrical purposes. Since work on the Trans-Siberian railway was initiated, a scarcity of labour ... diminution in the production from 1,249 kilogrammes in 1880 to 1,113 kilogrammes in 1889, The total output of the rough mineral in Russia in 1881, was 2,986 kilo grammes ; 1882, 4,081; 1883, 3,527 ; 1884, 2,137 ; 1885, 2,591, and 1886, 4,319 kilogrammes. All the mineral extracted comes from the Goi-oblagodz and Nigi-Taguitsk mines in the government of Perm.
Russia, 1879
Where 1 Poud = 2,800 руб (Fr. 7,273; )
1 руб Kr. = Fr. 2.5975
1879: 1 Troy Ounce platina (SPb mkt?) = 5.3167 руб
Citation: Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Vol. 15 1903

1879: Pt Yield = 138.26 Poud = 5,530.3 Funt = 72,813 Ozt.= 2,264.74 Kgs.

1 руб Kr. = Fr. 2.5975
1879: 1 Troy Ounce platina (SPb mkt?) = 5.3167 руб
Citation: Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Vol. 15 1903
1879: Pt Yield = 138.26 Poud = 5,530.3 Funt = 72,813 Ozt.= 2,264.74 Kgs.
Russia, 1845
In 1828, Russian platina had sold for 9 руб per Troy Ounce; less than 20 years later the price had fallen by nearly -50%.
1845: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (European Mkt) = 4.7527 - 5.3319 руб
(USD$ 3.56 - 4.)
1845: 1 Troy Oz platina (Cartagena: ore) = C$ 3.46 (USD$ 3.13; £ 0.65)
1828: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (coined, 1828) = 9.01 руб Ag = Fr. 36.54 = £ 1.4234
1844: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt) = 6.578 руб = Fr. 26.69 = £ 1.044
1845: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt) = 5.3319 руб = Fr. 21.61 = £ 0.8422
1845: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt) = 4.7527 руб = Fr. 19.27 = £ 0.7507
"With the introduction of platinum coins in 1828, the assumed metallic value was 1.236 руб per Zolotnik, or 4,746 Roubles per Poud. As a result, this nominal value differs so greatly from the commercial value of the metal; under such circumstances, in 1843 the Treasury took the question to council whether to continue minting Platinum coinage. In 1844 the difference was already calculated at 137% (3,464 Roubles per Poud) and in 1845, as revealed that in the main markets (Paris, London, Hamburg) it was officially retracted that prices were fluctuating between of 2503-2808 Roubles per Poud. So instead of 1.236 руб per Zolotnik, the cost was only 0.65-0.74 руб and the government was induced, following on 9 February 1845 to meet the most supreme confirmed measures:"
Citation: Spink & Son , The Numismatic Circular, Vol. 15, May 1907 p. 9885:
"(Bei der Einführung der Platinmünze im Jahre 1828 wurde der Metallwert zu 4745 Rubel für das Pud angenommen. Im Jahre 1845 schwankten die Platinpreise auf den europäischen Hauptmärkten von 2503 bis 2808 Rubel für das Pud.)"
1828: 4,745 руб Acc./ Poud = £ 205.
c.1839: 2,300 руб Acc./ Poud = £ 110.
1845: 600 руб Kr./ Poud = £ 94.77
In 1845, Platinum prices fluctuated on the major European markets, from 2503 to 2808 Roubles per Poud. In the Urals, 1 Poud platina fell to 600 руб Kr. (750 руб Kr. per Poud Fine Pt.) or 588.6 руб Ag. (736 руб Kr. per Poud Fine Pt.)
1845: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Ural: 80% ore) = 1.1393 руб Kr.
1845: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Ural: .999) = 1.4241 руб Kr.
Citation: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 21 (1912) p.650
Platinum coinage abandoned because counterfeiting:

1845: 1 Kilogram platina (Paris: Mkt) = Fr. 800
Citation: Revue des deux mondes, Vol. 3; Volume 106 (1855) ; François Buloz,et al. p.132
Citation: American Journal of Numismatics, Volumes 40-42 Sept 1907

Gold Yield, 1824 - 1848:

"Platina snuff boxes" from Tula were a Silver-Steel alloy, not Platinum.
1845: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (European Mkt) = 4.7527 - 5.3319 руб
(USD$ 3.56 - 4.)
1845: 1 Troy Oz platina (Cartagena: ore) = C$ 3.46 (USD$ 3.13; £ 0.65)
1828: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (coined, 1828) = 9.01 руб Ag = Fr. 36.54 = £ 1.4234
1844: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt) = 6.578 руб = Fr. 26.69 = £ 1.044
1845: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt) = 5.3319 руб = Fr. 21.61 = £ 0.8422
1845: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (mkt) = 4.7527 руб = Fr. 19.27 = £ 0.7507
"With the introduction of platinum coins in 1828, the assumed metallic value was 1.236 руб per Zolotnik, or 4,746 Roubles per Poud. As a result, this nominal value differs so greatly from the commercial value of the metal; under such circumstances, in 1843 the Treasury took the question to council whether to continue minting Platinum coinage. In 1844 the difference was already calculated at 137% (3,464 Roubles per Poud) and in 1845, as revealed that in the main markets (Paris, London, Hamburg) it was officially retracted that prices were fluctuating between of 2503-2808 Roubles per Poud. So instead of 1.236 руб per Zolotnik, the cost was only 0.65-0.74 руб and the government was induced, following on 9 February 1845 to meet the most supreme confirmed measures:"
Citation: Spink & Son , The Numismatic Circular, Vol. 15, May 1907 p. 9885:
"(Bei der Einführung der Platinmünze im Jahre 1828 wurde der Metallwert zu 4745 Rubel für das Pud angenommen. Im Jahre 1845 schwankten die Platinpreise auf den europäischen Hauptmärkten von 2503 bis 2808 Rubel für das Pud.)"
1828: 4,745 руб Acc./ Poud = £ 205.
c.1839: 2,300 руб Acc./ Poud = £ 110.
1845: 600 руб Kr./ Poud = £ 94.77
In 1845, Platinum prices fluctuated on the major European markets, from 2503 to 2808 Roubles per Poud. In the Urals, 1 Poud platina fell to 600 руб Kr. (750 руб Kr. per Poud Fine Pt.) or 588.6 руб Ag. (736 руб Kr. per Poud Fine Pt.)
1845: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Ural: 80% ore) = 1.1393 руб Kr.
1845: 1 Troy Oz. platina (Ural: .999) = 1.4241 руб Kr.
Citation: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 21 (1912) p.650
Platinum coinage abandoned because counterfeiting:
1845: 1 Kilogram platina (Paris: Mkt) = Fr. 800
Citation: Revue des deux mondes, Vol. 3; Volume 106 (1855) ; François Buloz,et al. p.132
Citation: American Journal of Numismatics, Volumes 40-42 Sept 1907
Gold Yield, 1824 - 1848:
"Platina snuff boxes" from Tula were a Silver-Steel alloy, not Platinum.
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