April 4, 2011

London, 1813

"Some time ago" apparently refers to the Paris price in Specie-Money before 1811, 3-5 years prior: Jeannetty's price before Cuoq & Couturier began merchandising Breant's Platinum.  

The London price looks correct for the period, perhaps a London Platinum Low for the first quarter of the 19th Century.

c.1810: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (refined, Paris mkt) = Thlr 8.51  (Fr 30.-32.)
c.1813: 1 Troy Ounce Platinum (refined, London mkt) = Thlr  4.25  (£0.86-0.90)


V. Die neuesten Ansichten, Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen über die Metalle, ihr Vorkommen in der Natur, ihre Eigenschaften und ihre Anwendung im menschlichen Leben. (Vom Herrn Assessor Schrader.) (Fortsetzung von B. I. ; S. 21 2c.)

The price of platinum has long been much lower than gold.  Some time ago in Paris, a Loth of worked platinum cost only 4 Rthlr in our specie, and in London it's now only half that price.

Citation: Museum des Neuesten und Wissenswürdigsten aus dem Gebiete der ..., Vol. 4; Sigismund Friedrich Hermbstaedt (181) p.54

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