1892: 1 Troy Ounce platina (Colombia: Ore, Export) ~USD$ 12.90
1892: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Colombia: Ore, .999) =~USD$ 15.63
1892/3: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Common Price) = USD$ 10. - 13.
Citation: The American Amateur Photographer, Vol. 5 No.3
1892: 1 Troy Oz. Pt (Colombia: Ore, .999) =~USD$ 15.63
1892/3: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Common Price) = USD$ 10. - 13.
Citation: The American Amateur Photographer, Vol. 5 No.3
Citation: The American Amateur Photographer, Vol. 5 No.3 (March 1893)
Chicago Exhibition, c. August 1893:
August 1893: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (producer's price) = USD$
Citation: The Chemical news and journal of industrial science; Vol. 67, No. 1765 ; William Crookes (Sept 23, 1893) p.161
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Semi-Mfg, Trade) = USD$ 11.51
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (Mfg, Trade) = USD$ 13.06 - 15.55
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Palladium (Refined, Trade) = USD$ 62.20
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Iridium (Refined, Trade) = USD$64.
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Osmium (Refined, Trade) = USD$ 96.
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Rhodium (Refined, Trade) = USD$ 144.
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Ruthenium (Refined, Trade) = USD$ 240.

Apparently, the markup on platinum salt solution sold to photographers was 100 - 200%. One manufacturer was enraged when a home chemist dared publish the economical recipe.
Random: Guatemalan tariff rate
Apparently, the markup on platinum salt solution sold to photographers was 100 - 200%. One manufacturer was enraged when a home chemist dared publish the economical recipe.
Citation: The American amateur photographer, Volume 5 (1893), p.55
Random: Guatemalan tariff rate
Citation: Memoria de la Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público ... By Guatemala. Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (1894)
In discussions of bimetallism and currency, Platinum was occasionally discussed. The 'relative value' of metals is of particular interest, particularly where poorly-understood deflation was evident.
As at least one writer noted, late 19th Century deflation did not apply to Platinum.
Citation: Common sense currency: A practical treatise on money in its relations to ... By John Phin (1894)
1893: 1 Troy Oz. semi-refined Platinum ~ USD$ 10.
Citation: Common sense currency: A practical treatise on money in its relations to ... By John Phin (1894) p.97
1893: 1 Troy Oz. Platinum (scrap) = USD$ 9.50
Citation: The American amateur photographer, Vol. 5 (1893) p.126
1893: 1 Troy Oz. platina (California: Spot, Domestic ore 80%?) = USD$ 6.8933
1893: 1 Troy Oz. platina (California: Spot, intrinsic) ~ USD$ 8.62
Citation: Mineral Resources of the United States, Part 1 ; US Geological Survey (1897) p. 349
German Export of semi-manufactured Platinum to USA, Fiscal Year July 1-June 30 1893
USD$ 369,663.
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